Magic is all around...All you need to do is BELIEVE!!

grief? regrets? pain? sorrow? sad moods? upset you? okay..wait Calm down and listen ! Take a breath and let it go!!! You will never ever have to force anything which is meant to be. Life will give you hundereds and a thousand reason to give settle down but Remember give a bash to your life saying God has blessed me with all powers their within me. Feel the magic..Feel the unique you..feel the change and here you go with the best you! It's not about being popular, being highly educated or being perfect. It's about real, being humble and most importantly it's about Being Yourself. Remember my unique smiling souls reading this that you go perfect by being the imperfect you. You go unique by being the real you. If life take a step back...count them all! Take two moves ahead proving it that you still stand stronger than you were.

Today is the perfect day to be happy!!

I smiled because I have survived everything the world have thrown at me. I smiled because when I have a knock down, I always have a back-up. Look your eyes..think for a while and then start will have a selective list of people caring for you..believing you..admiring you and most importantly dying to have your grin. Always look forward with a hope not backward with a regret! What all happened was meant to be as it was..People show up their colours and now all you need to do is keep your mistakes at your feet make them your stepping stones in your success destiny. Remember their is only one you and no one has the right to make yourself feel sad! Be strong..don't forget that you always inspire someone by being yourself!

Limits only exist in your mind!!

Look into the mirror..guess what you have? You are seeing the person who is ready to fight the world with all his/her delightful smile and guess what he/she carries with him/her? He/She carries the best ignite to burn negative sensation around and fire up all the cheery positive vibes...make it all happen by his/her best plans! Talking about your limits?? listen I'll tell you a secret high because all what you have around yourself is the sky made just to shoot you up! Set your goals..have a plan..complete it on time and here you lend..right up to your success. God sometimes break your heart to protect your soul☺

"I Can be far from what I want but i'll surely be there!!"

Don't be afraid to go slow..Remember not to stop and show. Everyone has their own clock..everyone have their own state for being fast and slow so for God sake stop comparing yourself Fight and never give up because you don't know what God has planned you the next second. Their is always a dark room before the brighten up surprise which lasts as the best memory of your life! Spend so much time in improving yourself that you are left with no time to critize others..Present your best and forget the rest! Be good to everyone..praise others for their day the same will come to you in an unexpected way!

Smile and let the world know.. I am me and I won't change myself for anyone.. I can and I will just watch!! and counting up for my limits.. it starts with a zero and ends on the same!! because I can be slow.. I can be lil stupid but I can never be still!

-Sanya Jain